Forest of Yamaka Region
Region Name: Forest of Yamaka.
Territory Name: Heart of Yamaka.
Region Name: Forest of Yamaka.
Territory Name: Dresta Village.
Region Name: Forest of Yamaka.
Territory Name: Forest of Rayzson.
Region Name: Forest of Yamaka.
Territory Name: Tayna Village.
Region Name: Forest of Yamaka.
Territory Name: Village of Le Lo.
Region Name: Forest of Yamaka.
Territory Name: Lost Wood.
Region Name: Forest of Yamaka.
Territory Name: Hills of Leaktor.
Region Name: Forest of Yamaka.
Territory Name: Trees of Lope.
Region Name: Forest of Yamaka.
Territory Name: Poweraz.
Region Name: Forest of Yamaka.
Territory Name: Hills of Qwack.