Community Content Explained
Write, Create, and Share or
Listen, Play, and help other stories!
Planet Warz 5000 is an Open Project set in a vast sci-fi universe where two factions have been waging war over the control of the galaxy for millenniums now.
What we mean by “Open Project” is everyone can create content based upon official lore and receives help and guidance from the community to make the necessary steps and learn the process to release your content and possibly make money by doing the things that you love!
Make Souvenirs Games and the Dess Net Library company would like to welcome you into the universe of Planet Warz, join the community, and be part of a dark magical sci-fi universe created by the community for the community!
(Following us on social media is the most efficient
way to support us right now)
Here’s some “Community Music” you can listen to while
reading the website or creating your community content.
(Don’t forget to follow all the artists to
show them some love)