The Stones of Legacy gives ancient knowledge to any species or faction that finds
and register the stone information into their species Dess Net data bank.

Stone of Legacy Name:
Stone of Corruption

Stone of Legacy Description:
The Stone of Corruption gives the ability to use its mystical force and understand elements of it. The corruption can be used to save lives and to produce supplies, it can help create things like buildings, vehicles, items, and weapons, the energy of the corruption can also be applied to regular staff and wands in order to create magical ones. The energy of the corruption gives all weapons a crucial role and categorizes them as classes with powers that can be used according to the class of the user.

Stone Location:
Galaxie: Milky Way.
System: ARZ-75.
Planet: Corrupis.

Who has learned the Stone of Legacy:
Ordix Race: Date Unknown.
Elish Race: Date -0145.
Des Orc: Date 1032.
Zagnid: Date 2060.
Screamiack: Date 2420.

This Stone of Legacy first came out in the year:
Season: Unknown.