The story aspect of Planet Warz 5000
will be divided just like every other aspect of content creation with the tag
Community Story” and “Official Story”.

 How to create a Planet Warz story

We want you to write and create your own stories in any form you would like to express yourself in, such as books, comic books, audiobooks, manga, anime and cinematics or any other way you want.

Everyone can create their own unique stories, planets, dungeons, heroes, characters, squads, clans, guilds and you can also create unique transmog (skins) for every useable, weapon, item, outfit, vehicle and structure inside the universe of PW5K to accommodate your stories esthetic.

All community content will be posted on the website with the tag "Community Content" with all your links and the links to credit anyone who helped you with your project, like an artist who could have created a map for a planet inside your story or an artist who has designed and draw a unique transmog (skins) for the outfit of a certain guild or squads in your story, and there are much more reasons to hire an artist to work on concept arts for your books.

Here are some great ideas to kickstart your stories:

You should start by creating your own future personal character and write a story with you as the main protagonist or you can write a story about a squad in a clan or guild and tell your story around these characters.

You should start by selecting a date inside any timeline of the faction you are writing for and start your story from there.

(Requirement & Guideline)

If you intend to write a story about Planet Warz, here is what your story must contain to be a true "massively multiplayer online persistent world warfare" experience like most of the official book series will be:

Souls (Life and Death) Mechanic: Every character (players), animal, plant and any planets have a soul and can be revived if killed. If a character dies his soul must find its way back to a nearby base with "Souls Stone" inside of the base and then can be resurrected, the soul of a fallen soldier can also be resurrected by some classes like the Light Priest or the Dark Priest. A soul can also be permanently destroyed under rare circumstances: If there is no more base in the region to be respawned back and a Lightlock or a Darklock is keeping the soul of a fallen character from respawning back to its near home region he then has to hold ground and perform a ritual. Rituals can take up to 24 to 72 hours to permanently destroy a single soul and the souls of heroes can last much longer. A soul can also be converted into the opposite faction by performing the same type of ritual only this one takes 168 to 336 hours to be completed. (keep this in mind while writing)

You should cover a little bit on the logistic aspects such as the gathering and crafting, you can start with the process of getting salvage from automatic mines or salvage fields and turning it into basic material used for crafting all types of supplies and building structures, you should also tell how these supplies got sent to frontlines base that has been built by souls who is fighting daily to push in your massive world conquest invasion.

You should cover a little bit on the structure building aspect mechanics such as building an outpost, reconstructing a town hall, building radar for safer travel, creating a safe house in towns, building a bunker base and digging some trench. (the building aspect is the core of all tactics when conquering and holding a town or any type of area, keep this in mind while writing)

You have to mention the use of the Des’Net application when a character is asking for unknown information, scanning unknown information, looking for lost souls or diagnosing a wounded soldier and much more. the Des'Net is the biggest source of knowledge in the universe and can be worn like a watch, in helmet vision glass or in many more ways. (the Des'Net is an internet that almost everyone is connected with at all times, the Des'Net act as a bank of information for all race)

Every created character must belong to one of the nine classes and have a favourite job in between the five options of jobs.

All stories created by the community must be based on events or set in the timeline before the year 5000 making your created story a part of the Des'Net file's history about your race.

You will have to consider one of your characters in your book to be the one who is going to post this story into the Des’net bank files as a record of this story. A video and record of what a character was doing and seeing can be automatically posted into the Des'net bank files when his soul gets destroyed or lost, or you can have a squad operator that observes all camera live feeds of his squadmate and you can use this operator at the end of your story to be the one who is going to post these records and stats into the Des'net bank Files.

If you're creating an original story you have two choices in terms of planets you can create you’re own or you can take one already made by us or the community.

If you are creating a story from a story already released you must follow the establish main story key detail like town captured, region captured and what clan or guild was present in the region if your character is in the same region of a big attack or defence operation and most certainly, the winning faction of the world conquest war if there's one in the story your writing. Keep in mind that your objective when writing a story base on a community story is not to re-tale the story but to talk about the things the other author didn't have time to talk about like some aspect of the world conquest or maybe write about what was going on other frontlines of the world conquest.

An understanding map layout of the planet so if someone from the community wants to make a world map or a planet concept art for your story he can without having to ask you for details.

You cannot write stories about the future of Planet Warz, you can only create stories about events before the year 5000. (for now)

(How can you make money)

Like I said, We want you to write and create your own stories in any form you would like to express yourself in, such as books, comic books, audiobooks, manga, anime, and cinematics, or any other way you want. So go ahead and post your own Planet Warz 5000 story, monetize it, and will share it on our website and social network and give you the credit and won’t demonetize your project. - Brazz

What software are we using when writing?

We use google Word Office to write my book trilogy.
 use Grammarly to Autocorrect my mistake while writing.

we use to write my script and thoughts on a website called
“Celtx”, but we have now gone back to only using “Word”.