The art aspect of Planet Warz 5000
will be divided just like every other aspect of content creation with the tag
”Community Art” and “Official Art”.

All official and community concept art can be found in
the artwork section of every race.

Concept art you can do!

Concept art is one of the most important aspects right now as the universe does not have a lot of artwork right now.
Here are some ideas and artwork we need help to work on:

Weapons and items for any race.

Vehicles and structures for any race.

Troopers & heroes outfits for any race.

Landscapes, regions, cities and planets.

Official Based Concept Art

You can create or recreate “official based concept art” for just about everything inside the universe of Planet Warz, let me explain, official based concept art is a community artwork base upon a released or unreleased official reference of a transmog (skins) that a character, a squad, a clan or a guild was wearing or using inside any official stories it can things like weapons, items, vehicles,
structures or outfits.

“Official Based Concept Art” = Community Concept Art of a Transmog (Skins) based upon an "Official Stories".

Unique Concept Art

You can create “unique concept art” from your own mind using your own short stories or any community stories inside the universe of Planet Warz, let me explain, unique concept art is a community artwork base upon a released or unreleased community reference of a transmog (skins) that a character, a squad, a clan or a guild was wearing or using inside any community stories it can things like weapons, items, vehicles, structures or outfits.

“Unique Concept Art” = Community Concept Art of a Transmog (Skins) based upon a "Community Stories".

Requirement & Guideline

All unique creations of transmog whether it be for weapons, items, vehicles, structures, outfits created for a squad, a clan, a guild or a specific character in your own book or a community book must be always based upon an already existing item officially released in the tech tree of the race you're doing the concept art for and must work the same way as the original did.

(Keep in mind while creating a transmog, you are only changing the appearance and not the way it's going to be used or its functions, you can change things like appearance, reloading animation, the colour of the bullet tracer, sounds and much more.)

When creating a "based" or "unique" transmog artwork you have to put information on the concept art telling the "Year of creation", the name of the "Transmog Creator", The "Rarity" of the transmog, the "Original Weapon" the "Weapon Type", the "Weapon Class" and lastly the name of the transmog.
(example can be seen in the "Official Transmog Template section")

If you intend to sell transmog and just create a lot of different variations of skins for the many items you should leave a blank area where there should be the "Year of Creation and when an author buys the copyright of your transmog to use it in his story, or if your giving it for free the author will write inside blank areas you left so he can make your transmog fit into his story that he is creating.

We suggest you create a character from the race you will create most of your artwork but a race can create transmog for another race but not for the opposite faction. We also suggest you to create a character that was born around the years 2050 and more so your character can fit into any timeline.
(We also suggest you have a character for both factions if you intend to create transmog for the two factions)

How can you make money?

Official Based Concept Art

You CAN NOT sell “Official Based Concept Art” as transmog because they are made to be used for free by the community to create their Des’Net profile, characters, squads, clans and guild’s esthetic style.

“Official Based Concept Art” also gives “stories content creators” more choices of transmog to be used for free in any content creation if they don’t want to create new or different outfits and items transmog (Skins) for their story.

The ONLY way to make money after creating or recreating an “Official Based Concept art” is if you have 100% of the copyright of the artwork you can then sell your art onto a merchandise website like Redbubble or you can create your own merchandise with the digital art on it!

Unique Concept Art

The best way to make money as an artist and be recognized to increase your chance of selling content is to join the community via Reddit or Discord and go into the "Community Content" section and post the type of content you have made for the universe of PW5K so everyone can see your esthetic preference style.

It's important to leave your contact information in your discord profile description or your social network so that if someone wants to hire you, he can easily reach you. I'm sure if someone contacts you, you'll be more than happy to answer him with a price and Done! If he accepts, you now have a contract to do, or you have just sold content for a community project in the universe of Planet Warz.

We suggest having two types of choices if you're selling any type of content, a price for "Regular Contract" and a price for "Exclusif Contract". (I’ll set up a document that creators will be able to send and make costumer signup)

Unique transmog created as concept art by the community can be sold or given out for free to other community content creators like authors, who would use them in their stories or someone that is creating artwork of its character and he wants this transmog on his character concept art.

We Suggest giving out a lot of transmog for free because the main objective is to get your name known inside the universe of Planet Warz and for this, your transmog needs to be shown and talked about by the community and what better way to do this then giving up skins ;).

You can also make money after creating or recreating a “Unique Concept Art” if you have 100% of the copyright of the artwork you can then sell your art onto a merchandise website like Redbubble or you can create your own merchandise with the digital art on it!

 How to create concept art and artwork about the universe Planet Warz